Shocking! The surreal world of Elsa Schiaparelli at Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris

Conceived and realized as an exploration that bridges past and present, Shocking! The surreal world of Elsa Schiaparelli at Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris presents the golden years of a visionary female designer within the larger context of her inspiring relationships to leading artists of the time, including Man Ray, Jean Cocteau, Salvador Dalí and Meret Oppenheim.

This marks the museum’s first exhibition dedicated to the Italian couturière since the reopening of the House of Schiaparelli, which had closed in 1954. The exhibit features 520 items including incredible sketches, drawings, embroideries, and jewelry, and it is organized chronologically and thematically. The collection also includes pieces loaned by the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Learn more: Shocking! The surreal world of Elsa Schiaparelli

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