Jane Mobille is originally from Washington, D.C. and has lived in France for almost 30 years.
Tonight marks the end of the 43rd day of confinement for our family of five. We live 4km from Paris city limits, but these days it feels like 400km.
You’d think you were in Provence, if you didn’t know better. Yesterday, I watched a crow – with lots of cawing and feathers flying – throw a magpie family out of its nest in the tree outside our window. Our neighbor is gone, so her grass has become a bouquet of wildflowers to frame a cat. Our grown-up kids – all home for confinement – have pulled out their long-ignored ping pong table.
And who hasn’t spent time cleaning out the garage? Afterward, my husband took his coffee and nap in his convertible…with the dog.
Look at my poulet farci au citron confit. It will take a lot more than a pandemic for the local boucher to close!
Every night at 8 pm, we go up on our terrace to clap for the health workers. And just when I was thinking I must do something to help, a friend organized a collection of sheets and thread for a group of women sewing gowns for the local hospital.
“Confinement Chronicles” is a journal of how we are experiencing daily life during the coronavirus pandemic.