Confinement Chronicles: It’s like being on a space station
I have been quarantined for 2 months. It’s like being on a space station, so I picked up a lamp globe and wore it to be sure no virus would fly into the air.
I have been quarantined for 2 months. It’s like being on a space station, so I picked up a lamp globe and wore it to be sure no virus would fly into the air.
Tonight marks the end of the 43rd day of confinement for our family of five. We live 4km from Paris city limits, but these days it feels like 400km. You’d think you were in Provence, if you didn’t know better.
Anne Aufort, who was raised in Chicago, has been a Parisian since 1984. My life in Paris right now has two faces: one street side and the other courtyard. Street side is amazingly quiet; the noise of traffic has disappeared, leaving only the sound of birds and the swish-swish of Deliveroo bikes. The courtyard is […]
I just left our home for the first time since March 17th in search of flowers. There were lines around the block at the grocery store, lines in front of the neighborhood butcher shop, restaurants turned into pick up spots for pre-ordered food, awkward social distancing…